North Carolina updates requirements for Contractors

North Carolina recently updated regulations pertaining to firms and individuals performing renovations, repair and painting for compensation, who disturb lead-based paint paint in housing and in child-occupied facilities built before 1978, to be trained and certified. To prevent childhood lead poisoning, they must follow specific lead-safe work practices when disturbing painted or coated surfaces containing lead.

Those individulas who perform renovations for compensation must also provide the pamphlet “The Lead Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right” to owners, occupants, parents and guardians before beginning renovation work. The regulations apply to renovations in housing such as apartments, homes or in child-occupied facilities such as daycare centers, kindergarten and pre-school classrooms built before 1978

For more information on working with lead-based paint, finding a certified contractor performing renovation,repair and painting activities, contact the North Carolina Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit, Lead Based Paint Hazard Management Program @ 919-707-5950 or visit

Source : North Carolina Public Health

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