First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit

The country remains committed to government support for home buyers, according to a recent survey of U.S households.

Nearly 70 percent of those polled said the government should continue to support housing and some 65 percent felt the government should be doing more to keep families from losing their homes to foreclosure.

With the First time homebuyer credit of $8000 set to expire on
April 30th and the $6500 for qualified repeat homebuyers the spring market activity is picking up.

The economic recession, job losses and some uncertainty remains the largest barrier to growth in the housing market.Of the renters nationwide surveyed, 40 percent simply don’t have the money to buy a home.

The current inability of some homeowners to sell their current home in depressed markets remains the biggest obstacle. Many homeowners feel imprisoned by their home where the current value is below what they owe and some surveyed felt that homeprices were still too high too move forward.

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