Wake Forest Approves Smoking Ban

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

The Wake Forest Board of Commissioners has approved a smoking ban in all Town parks and greenways, except in specifically designated areas.

The board adopted the ordinance last month during it sregular monthly meeting, joining a growing number of communities that have forbidden smoking in public parks. The smoking ban is designed to help reduce curb exposure to secondhand smoke and reduce litter.

The ban takes place immediately and includes a possible $50 fine. Signage will be posted throughout the Town’s parks and greenways informing visitors of the new ordinance.

Enforcement will take the form of requesting voluntary compliance. However, if a smoker does not extinguish a smoking product, park staff will remind them of the new policy and could request exiting the property if they choose to continue smoking. For more information about the smoking ban, contact Parks and Recreation Director Ruben Wall at 919-435-9561.

Courtesy of Jeff Dicks Real Estate

Wake Forest Homes For Sale

Heritage Wake Forest Homes

Help I can’t sell my house !

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

Quite frankly we seem to be hearing this alot lately. Some homeowners are entering the death spiral as they want to throw in the towel. Well ……not so quickly.

Two factors basically contol the sale of a home. And to be frank you can’t just blame the market. Price & Condition are completely in the control of the seller.

We have seen this time and time again so let’s start with a whole new plan and strategy for the times.

We’ve just produced a report available in print or video.

In this report, you will learn…

About the most dangerous real estate trends that are keeping homes from being sold in today’s market, and how to avoid them

How to price your home to sell…

How to position your home as a “deal” to buyers so you get flooded with buyer showings and offers, and

A lot more…

Please contact us by e-mail or phone for your FREE copy!

A little note about “Sentiment”

Monday, May 4th, 2009

On many occasions as a Realtor you find yourself in interesting conversations about the current economy, the pitfalls, doom and gloom and yes “Is it a good time to buy” ? Now I’ll be completely honest with you, I don’t know if home prices in general will continue to fall or rise but I am certain we are seeing some stability.

The great news is we are seeing sentiment improving.  I say sentiment because every individual, couple and families have a different set of circumstances. We all share the national story of a slowing economy a housing correction, and for the past 12 months or more we have been inundated with doom and gloom.

Yes sentiment is changing for the better in Raleigh, Cary, and Wake Forest. I’m witnessing it first hand as people have expressed to me more recently that they are changing their own perspectives and searching for the positive in their circumstances. Some of these folks have been laid off, looking for employment and face many uncertainties.

I don’t want to generalize, however it’s hard not too.  Input effects output plain and simple. Hats off to all of the folks across this great country who recognise the sun will rise and set …………….for the rest change the channel



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