Wake County Growth Accelerates

Monday, July 19th, 2010

The census bureau completed the 2010 tabulations some time ago. The U.S Census data will be released this upcoming winter. If the early numbers are correct, Wake County will become the most populous in the region.

Wake County growth is expected to surge over the coming years, due to the large relocation of northeners as they continue to retire their snow shovels.

With population growth so goes the quality of life. Over the past ten-years Cary, Apex have seen large growth with publications naming the locales as “Top Ten Places ” to live in America. Setbacks aside due to economic conditions. These and many others are rebounding and beginning to see signs of new growth.

The Triangle continues to attract global interest and with it and signs point to continued expansion and more jobs.

Homebuyer Program’s Last Day’s

Sunday, September 13th, 2009

For many have taken advantage of the 8k First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit. Were beginning to see elevated activity as the program draws to a close on November 30th/09.

Lenders and Realtors are encouraging these prospective buyers not to wait much longer and may want to start looking seriously now as opposed to later. Lenders I have spoken with want to allow as much time as possible to be sure underwriters can make the deadlines. Some, have encouraged First Time Buyers to be under contract by mid-October.

Builders are also encouraging consumers with great incentives. Inventory levels are shrinking in the Wake County area, and with increased demand we are seeing price stabilization. If your a First-Time Homebuyer please visit the link below.

First Time Homebuyer Kit!