Selling Your Home in Todays Market Part 2

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

In our previous commentary we talked about what’s happening in the Real Estate Market. Not to be forgotten is all real estate markets are local. What’s happening in the Cleveland market isn’t the same as our’s the Raleigh area.

Now not to be discouraged, there is a solution to the madness; and believe it or not, there is a pricing strategy that works almost every time to get homes sold fast at a great price… and that is to price your home low and the the demand the low price creates raise the final selling price.

If you’re observant, you” notice that foreclosures are getting a lot of buyer why is that?

It’s simply because buyers view them as a deal; and as one person put, if they think they buy one, they’ll pay a wholesale price rather than a retail price..even if such is not the case.

Price your home like the banks do( 5-10 percent below everyone else) and get the demand o drive the your price up.  If you don’t, you’ll be taking your chances with everyone else and will most likely sell your home for 5-10% below market value anyway, because almost every buyer is low-balling prices.

Selling Your Home in Today’s Economy Part 1

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011


The media today overwhelms us with some much data. Where is one to turn? What you don’t know about the housing market WILL hurt you…not the other way around.. It’s true; these trends may affect you differently, depending upon your situation. For example, if you have equity in your home, you’ll need to know what’s happening so you don’t lose it; but if you owe more money for your home than it’s worth or you’re facing foreclosure, you’ll need to understand these trends so you can avoid having the banks control your destiny.

So with that being said, let’s dig into whats going on in the housing market and learn how to avoid the dangerous trends that could keep your home from being sold. Everyone knows the housing market is in rough shape right? You know it, I know it, your neighbor knows it, and practically everybody else knows it, too.

Rather than ignoring what’s going on, lets study it and see how we can overcome some of the challenges it present. Don’t you agree, it’s better to take the proactive approach rather than be someone who sits around, ignores it and blames the economy for their home not selling?

Look for our second installment soon

Free Report on How to Sell Your Home

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

Here is your Free Report

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