Inflation Inevitable ?

Monday, June 22nd, 2009

Many wonder what may transpire over the next few months or years with long term rates. Inevitably it’s inflate or die or worse stagflation. Much as the unwinding of Japan’s economy in the late 80’s we ponder if the US is heading down a similiar path.

The economic models however, are somewhat uncertain, however many theorists indicate were heading for inflation and it won’t be pretty. Mortgage Rates have bottomed and have headed higher for the past several weeks. If and when the Fed begins to raise short term rates long term will certainly follow. So, if you have an ARM about to reset don’t wait longer refinance ! It is said that rates are like a boat floating atop the sea of inflation as inflation rises, so will home loan rates. Call your lender to catch today’s still low loan rates.

Jeff D

Buyers It’s Time

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

Recent market events and the continuing injections of capital into automakers  and banks are all signs were heading for inflation. I personally just refinanced for a 4.625%- 30 year rate. Simply unbelievable ! Why would you not take advantage of such a great offer……..Again, at some point we’ll see inflation and were already beginning to see a resurgence in commodity prices. With the first- time home buyer credit of 8k , low rates and house price declines what more can you ask for?

To be fair the economy is still in recession and consumers need to be confident they have jobs, however, it’s a psychological barrier we all need to cross
Warren Buffett says get ready for inflation…
Giant debt levels require America to slowly default on loans.