Mortgage Rates lowest in History

Friday, January 28th, 2011

Mortgage rates are low… but people see them beginning to rise. The fear of higher rates will force potential buyers to make purchases. This surge of sales could allow homebuilders to drastically beat earnings estimates in 2011. Optimism, is beginning to surge among those whom have been waiting, and waiting for a great entry point into the housing market.

Having looked at a mortgage rate chart dating back to the early 1900’s housing is the most affordable it’s ever been.

First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit

Monday, March 29th, 2010

The country remains committed to government support for home buyers, according to a recent survey of U.S households.

Nearly 70 percent of those polled said the government should continue to support housing and some 65 percent felt the government should be doing more to keep families from losing their homes to foreclosure.

With the First time homebuyer credit of $8000 set to expire on
April 30th and the $6500 for qualified repeat homebuyers the spring market activity is picking up.

The economic recession, job losses and some uncertainty remains the largest barrier to growth in the housing market.Of the renters nationwide surveyed, 40 percent simply don’t have the money to buy a home.

The current inability of some homeowners to sell their current home in depressed markets remains the biggest obstacle. Many homeowners feel imprisoned by their home where the current value is below what they owe and some surveyed felt that homeprices were still too high too move forward.

Weldon Ridge

Friday, September 25th, 2009

Weldon Ridge in Cary, NC has great news for first-time homebuyers. A number of homes now under construction in The Arbor will be ready to close by the end of November, thedeadline for the $8000 federal tax credit. Many first time buyers have been flocking to Weldon Ridge the highly acclaimed community of Cary.

The Weldon Ridge amenity center, is open to residenyts of the Arbor, The Park and The Estates. It features a junior olmpic swimmimg pool, with slide and a large clubhouse with a wraparound porch. The clubhouse also has a full kitchen and meeting rooms to host events.

In close proximity is the Research Triangle Park, shopping, many enetrtainment and cultural attractions. Homes in The Arbor at Weldon Ridge start in the mid to upper 200’s. The product by Orleans Homebuilders  has been trusted for quality for over a century.

If your visiting the Triangle area be sure to check out these fabulous homes in Cary. They will sure not to disappoint.

Westminster at Weldon Ridge

Homebuyer Program’s Last Day’s

Sunday, September 13th, 2009

For many have taken advantage of the 8k First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit. Were beginning to see elevated activity as the program draws to a close on November 30th/09.

Lenders and Realtors are encouraging these prospective buyers not to wait much longer and may want to start looking seriously now as opposed to later. Lenders I have spoken with want to allow as much time as possible to be sure underwriters can make the deadlines. Some, have encouraged First Time Buyers to be under contract by mid-October.

Builders are also encouraging consumers with great incentives. Inventory levels are shrinking in the Wake County area, and with increased demand we are seeing price stabilization. If your a First-Time Homebuyer please visit the link below.

First Time Homebuyer Kit!

$8000 Cash First Time Homebuyer

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

Great news from congress……….Beat the rate hikes

Buyers It’s Time

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

Recent market events and the continuing injections of capital into automakers  and banks are all signs were heading for inflation. I personally just refinanced for a 4.625%- 30 year rate. Simply unbelievable ! Why would you not take advantage of such a great offer……..Again, at some point we’ll see inflation and were already beginning to see a resurgence in commodity prices. With the first- time home buyer credit of 8k , low rates and house price declines what more can you ask for?

To be fair the economy is still in recession and consumers need to be confident they have jobs, however, it’s a psychological barrier we all need to cross
Warren Buffett says get ready for inflation…
Giant debt levels require America to slowly default on loans.