Dog Days of Summer

Thursday, August 27th, 2009

It’s official School bells are ringing.  Another summer is rolling to a quick end. For many parents a relief, for others the fall activities begin football, soccer, basketball and my all time favorite hockey. I am somewhat biased on the hockey front as I am a Canadian living in the great state of North Carolina.

For any matter fall is approaching along with some cooler temperatures. The days at the beach are coming to end for the vacationers and back to work they go.  All in all summers are pretty much great  wherever you go and each season brings endings and new beginnings.

This summer has been no exception and my kids will certainly miss the pool when it closes after labor day weekend. The activity chart for our household will shift to school projects and most definitely a weekend excursion to Asheville, North Carolina for some wine tasting, golf and majestic views.

Oh, don’t let me forget my other favorite the Parade of Homes in October !
