
Heritage Wake Forest- Your Heritage Neighbor News

Service For Life!

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Jeff Dicks's…
Your Heritage Neighbor! ®
Insider Tips for Healthy, Wealthy and Happy Living
Inside This Issue…

  • The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick…
  • Four Things Locksmiths Don't Want You To Know…
  • Fun Facts and Laughs: Most Stolen Items At Home, First Aid Hot and Cold Rules, And More…
  • Trivia Challenge: Win [[Free Movie Tickets For Two]]
  • Real Estate Q&A: What Can I Ask The Seller To Pay For When Buying A Home?
If you're not already a subscriber to my free e–newsletter email me to sign–up
Jeff Dicks Jeff Dicks
Keller Williams Realty
Phone: (919) 793-4730
Email: jeff@jeffdicks.com


Are you sick of getting the cold and flu? In today's Your Heritage Neighbor!® Free consumer newsletter you'll get tips to prevent sickness and be healthier this year.

You'll also learn four insider secrets of locksmiths, where to stash your cash so it's safe in your home, plus funny jokes, a trivia challenge, and lots more.

Jeff Dicks

Jeff Dicks, REALTOR®
Keller Williams Realty

PS.  When you notice people talking about real estate in the next few weeks, can you tell them about the free consumer information I provide?

They may be people needing to move in the next 6 months, and you can tell them about my Free Consumer Report: "Home Seller's Guide To Moneymaking Fix-Ups". You'll look really smart because this informative guide explains how to avoid costly repair rip-offs and what improvements bring the biggest return. To request a copy for a friend, simply email me at jeff@jeffdicks.com, or call me at: (919) 793-4730.

Today's Brain Teaser . . .

How many F's are in the following sentence?…
Finished files are the result of years of
scientific study and also years of experience.

  (see answer below)

The Secrets of People Who
Never Get Sick . . .

How do some people never get sick while the rest of us seem to get a cold or the flu at least once a year? Health journalist, Gene Stone, captured the secrets of 25 people who claim to never get sick in his recent book The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick. If you want to be healthier this year, here are four practical, food-related secrets he discovered to prevent sickness:

1) Garlic.  Researchers at the University of Western Australia found people who started eating garlic regularly reduced their sick days by more than 50%. Garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help ward off colds or the flu. An easy way to eat more garlic is to include it in a rice or pasta dish a few times a week.

2) Probiotics.  This good bacteria can relieve gastrointestinal conditions and boost your body's immune system. Probiotics that live in your digestive system make it harder for disease-creating germs to move in. Eat one or more of these probiotic-rich foods each day: yogurt with live cultures, sauerkraut, cottage cheese, or probiotic-fortified soy milk. You can also take a probiotic supplement found in most natural food stores.

3) Brewer's Yeast.  Most of the brewer's yeast that you can buy from vitamin or health food stores is an extract from yeast used to ferment beer and wine. Brewer's yeast contains B vitamins that the body uses to maintain blood cells and the immune system. Take one tablespoon each day in powdered form, dissolved in water, to get your recommended daily allowance of B vitamins. This simple supplement can also lower your risk of some cancers.

4) Vegetables.  There's a reason your mother always told you to eat your veggies. If you eat a lot of meats and sugars, your diet is probably acidic with not enough alkaline-based foods to balance out your pH levels. Your pH level is a measure of the acidity to alkaline in your body. And recent studies have linked disease to high levels of acidity. Eating vegetables, legumes, and olive oil keeps your body more at a pH "neutral" level and can help you stay healthy.

Stone says, "Since I started researching this book, I haven't been sick once." I hope you'll say the same after trying some of these tips. To preview the contents of "Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick" or order the book, go to: www.amazon.com.

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Save Thousands When Buying Or Financing!

Did you know there's a free consumer report revealing ways to save time and money when buying a home? It's called "8 Secrets For Saving Thousands When Finding, Buying and Financing Your Next Home," and it's great even if you're not planning to buy soon. To get your free copy email me by clicking here, or call me at: (919) 793-4730.

Four Things Locksmiths Don't
Want You To Know

If you get locked out of your home or simply need new locks, here are some insider secrets to protect yourself and your pocketbook:

1. Check all your doors before you call.  They often arrive at the house and try another door, find it unlocked and charge you for the service.

2. Be careful of scam artists posing as professionals.  Some quote a great rate on the phone and claim they have a special lock at a higher price when they arrive. Find reputable pros at: www.findalocksmith.com.

3. Replace thumb-turn deadbolts near windows.  Whatever the locksmith says, you need to use a double cylinder lock that uses a key near windows. Why? Because it is too easy for a criminal to break a window, reach in, and unlock the door.

4. Cheap locks are easily defeated.  Purchase a "Grade 2" lockset. It's more secure and durable than Grade 1, but you don't need Grade 3 which are for commercial buildings and can be expensive. You may want to ask your locksmith to install high-security locks with keys that can't be replicated at the hardware store.

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Do You Have A Real Estate Or Home-
Ownership Question You Want Answered?

Maybe you want to know how much your home is worth. Or maybe you just need a recommendation for a handyman, carpet cleaner or plumber…

Either way, I love hearing from all of my good friends and clients. And I'm always looking to answer pressing questions you might have about anything relating to real estate or home-ownership. If you have a question, tip or idea, please feel free to email me by clicking here, or call me at: (919) 793-4730. I'm here to help!

Fun Facts and Laughs . . .

Most Stolen Items At Home . . .

These are the items reported by the website www.homesalarm.com. Some of them made the list because they are simply easy to find in the average home. In order, the most stolen are:

  1. Cash (see where to stash below)
  2. Tools and building supplies
  3. Home electronics
  4. Bicycles and parts
  5. Jewelry, Furs, and Silver

Best Places to Stash Cash . . .

You may think you have your stash in a safe place, but burglars know where to look. www.frugaldad.com suggests the following places to hide your cash:

  • In the freezer between used meat trays and wrapped in aluminum foil.
  • Behind the cardboard backing of a picture frame that is hard to reach.
  • Under something heavy like an entertainment center or piano.
  • Inside a used soup can on a shelf.

First Aid Hot and Cold Rules . . .

Knowing when to use hot or cold for injuries can be very confusing. Here are the general rules.

Heat increases circulation. Use it for chronic pain like tight muscles in your lower back.

Cold reduces inflammation. Acute injuries such as a newly sprained ankle can benefit from applying cold.

Alternating Hot and Cold is helpful when you have soft-tissue damage or overstretched ligaments. Try 20 minutes of cold each hour in the first 24 hours. Applying 20 minutes of warmth each hour for a few more days should reduce affects of injury. If you still have inflammation after 72 hours, you should call a doctor.

Have A Laugh — "What Do You Say?" . . .

I was visiting an office when a woman walked in with her 3-week old baby and her seven-year-old son.

Turns out she was on maternity leave, and just visiting coworkers.

Of course everyone gathered around the new toddler, while the young boy asked, "Mommy, can I have some money to buy a soda?"

"What do you say?" she asked.

Respectfully, the boy replied, "You're thin and beautiful."

With a smile, the woman immediately pulls out her purse and hands him money for a soda.

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Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Thank You! Thank You!

Thanks to all of my clients and friends who support my practice and graciously referred me to your friends and neighbors! Rather than pester people with unwanted calls and visits, I build my business based on the positive comments and referrals from people just like you. I couldn't do it without you!

Mike & Mary Rochon & Glenn & Allison Miller

Trivia Challenge for the Month…
"Who Else Wants To
Win A $25 Gift Card?"

Guess who won last month's Trivia Question? I'm pleased to announce the lucky winner of last month's quiz. And the winner is…drum roll please: Ken Corcoran of Wake Forest was the first > person to correctly answer my quiz question.

Who won the World Series in 1903?

a) Yankees    b) Red Sox    c) Americans    d) Giants

The answer is c) Americans. You may have answered the Boston Red Sox, but at the time, the name of the team was the Boston Americans. So, let's move on to this month's trivia question.

What is the most populated time zone in North America?

a) Pacific

b) Eastern

c) Central

d) Mountain

EMAIL ME AT: jeff@jeffdicks.com OR Call Me At (919) 793-4730 And You Could Be One Of My Next Winners!

Brain Teaser Answer:

If your answer was three, you counted like most people.
Actually, the correct answer is six. Our brain has difficulty
processing the word "of" as containing the letter F because
it sounds like the letter V when pronounced.

Thanks For Thinking of Me!

Did you know I can help you or any of your friends or family save time and money when buying or selling a home? Thanks for keeping me in mind with your referrals…and spreading the word about my services.

Real Estate Q & A . . .
Q.  What can I ask the seller to pay for when buying a home?

A.  Remember, everything you ask from a seller is a concession in their mind. Whether you're asking them to lower the price, make a decorating allowance or contribute to your closing costs, they are primarily interested in the bottom line dollar proceeds at closing.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Negotiations can be tough if you try to get the seller to both lower the price and also make other concessions or contributions to your closing costs too. It can actually compromise your ability to come to an agreement.

Appraisers are now asked to consider the dollar value of any seller concessions when they determine the value of the home you are purchasing.

Lenders will limit the contributions made by the seller without lowering your loan amount. It is important for you to ask your lender what they will allow the seller to pay.

If you'd like to learn more about the home-buying process and how to get the home of your dreams at a price you can afford please call me at: (919) 793-4730 or email me at jeff@jeffdicks.com.

Or, if you have any other real estate questions, I'm here to help.

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THANK YOU… for reading my Your Heritage Neighbor!® personal newsletter.  I wanted to produce a newsletter that has great content and is fun and valuable to you.  Help your friends get more out of life by forwarding this email to them…
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Disclaimer:  The information contained in this email is intended for informational purposes.  It should not substitute as legal, accounting, investment, medical and other professional services advice.  Always seek a competent professional for answers to your specific questions. This email is not intended to solicit real estate properties currently for sale.

Copyright (c) 2012 by Jeff Dicks Real Estate, Inc.


Ricks Grape Skinny – Heritage Wake Forest NC

This month’s Skinny suggests a half-dozen wine-related resolutions for those of you who are serious about wanting to learn more about wines — and the broader world of wine.  More important than taking on all six resolutions however is just taking on one or two that are “totally accomplishable”…for each of them will contribute incrementally to your growth as a more knowledgeable enthusiast — regardless of your current experience.  If any of you need — or would like — assistance in generating a list of some new and exciting alternatives to your normal, everyday wines — or some new varietal wines to try as you might “taste the world”…just let me know.  I’d be happy to tailor a “2012 resolution wine list” for anyone who asks.
OK…that’s it for this month…except to remind you all that despite the hoopla I made about the withdrawal of our troops from Iraq this past December…which is most assuredly wonderful news and reason to celebrate…another 160 or so US Service members (including a dear Army LTC friend of ours) remain in Iraq…for an uncertain duration.  Please keep them…all of our Men and Women in Uniform…and all of their families and loved ones back home in the forefront of your thoughts and prayers! 
Godspeed and Best Wishes for the year ahead…and here’s hoping that you and yours have a happy, healthy and financially positive 2012!!!
Wine Snob - EPS Format   Rick



Rick’s Grape Skinny                         

January 2012

As soon as we make the decision to try to understand more about wine, all that is demanded is that we exercise our senses of smell and taste…this is the essence of wine tasting.”

(Oz Clarke)


Be It Resolved for 2012…


Let’s just cut to the chase and forget all those resolutions about losing weight, eating less and exercising more, etc., etc..  Borrr-ing!  Been there done that…and blew it every time!  So…let’s just resolve to do something else…like something that’s fun, and interesting, and educational, and totally enjoyable…like drinking some mighty fine wine!   Got your attention!?  Well…here’s the skinny!


Six Easy-to-Keep Resolutions


  1. Think      Outside the Box!  

No…I’m not talking about box wines!  I’m talking about “our personal wine box”…you know, that subconscious mindset that tends to define the wines you and I routinely buy.  Be enthusiastic about trying new wineries and different versions of the wines you typically prefer (i.e. a Washington vs. Cali Cab or a non-oaked Chard vs. your usual big ole butter bomb, etc.).  12 new versions of your usual suspects over the next year will truly open your eyes and expand your palate! 


  1. Commit      to Taking Notes!

I cannot begin to tell you how many times I hear, “I had this great wine the other night but I’ll be darned if I can remember what it was!”  I carry a small notepad…but hey, even a napkin will work!  So get with it wineaux!  Get serious about recording notes and observations about the wines you drink. Capturing the name, vintage and “what naturally comes to mind” about the wine in a small journal is a great way to start.  Just keep it simple…but keep a record…and then, make the effort to reflect and remember! 


  1. Visit      2 Vineyards and Wineries!  

As I’ve said many times, there is no wine experience that remotely comes close to generating the amount of knowledge and joy one gains from visiting a Winery.  Meeting those salt-of-the-earth farmers and artisans who grow the grapes and make the wines – all while sampling their wares of course — is not only educational…it gets those curiosity juices flowin’ and it amplifies your desire to learn more and experience more.  Visit one winery every 6 months – or more if you can — and you’ll be talking about those visits for years…along with planning more trips! 


  1. Attend      One “Wine Dinner!”

Now these can be a tad expensive…like $75-$100 per person or thereabouts, so I’m suggesting that you just go to one Wine Dinner this coming year.  It’s important to do some research to ensure you make the best choice possible, and you can start by contacting some of your area’s top restaurants and by speaking with the Sommeliers or Executive Chefs. 


  1. Read      More and Learn More!

There is no substitute for reading when it comes to learning more about wines.  So, go buy a top quality wine book (from an independent book store!!) or subscribe to a wine magazine and start reading more…and more often.  Oz Clarke’s New Wine Atlas and Jancis Robinson’s Oxford Companion are two world class resources that can dramatically expand your knowledge of all things wine!


  1. Taste      the world!

Commit to buying and trying wines from 12 different countries in 2012.  Alternatively, you might also consider trying wines from 12 of the world’s most famous and most widely respected Wine Regions (i.e. Bordeaux and Champagne from France, Chianti and Piemonte from Italy, etc.) And take the time to discover the various national Signature Grapes (i.e. Carménère from Chile, Pinotage from South Africa, etc.) so you optimize the experience.   So many wines…so little time!


    Toast of the Month  

May your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, and never in want!”

(Traditional Irish Toast)

Wines of the Month


Pinotage (The Signature Grape of South Africa)


Diemersfontein  2009


Sultry, Heady & Tantalizingly Delicious!


(Wellington, South Africa.)/$18-$22


The Pinotage grape is a cross between the Pinot Noir and the Hermitage (aka Cinsault) grapes – and it was created by a Stellenbosch University Professor of Enology, A. I. Perold, in 1925.  This hallmark expression of Pinotage is characterized by not-so-subtle hints of roasted coffee and dark chocolate…and it has earned so much praise and achieved so much popularity that a number of cognoscenti attribute this highly distinctive version of Pinotage from David Sonnenberg with having saved and lifted Pinotage from longstanding commercial obscurity.  Folks, not all Pinotage will taste like this…or be this amazingly wonderful…so seek this one out and give it a whirl.  Once you do…I’m certain of two things – 1) you too will be singing its praise — and 2) it won’t be your last bottle.  http://www.diemersfontein.co.za/




Petite Sirah   


Villa San-Juliette Vineyard & Winery 2009


Rich, Intense, Sensuous, & Succulent


(Paso Robles, CA)/$9-$12


Believe it or not, this amazing winery is the brainchild of Simon Lythgoe (of American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance fame) and his business partner Ken Warwick.  After a few early years of trials and tribulations (all documented in the TV Reality Show Corkscrewed: The Wrath of Grapes), VSJ is now producing a collection of stunning wines…with this luscious Petite Sirah heading up my list of favorites!  Nigel and Ken had the insight and wisdom to simply hire the best.  And that’s exactly what they did in landing “Mr. California Winemaker” himself…the incomparable Adam LaZarre.  Indeed, after a near decade of heading up winemaking at the hugely successful Hahn Estates, Adam has found a new home “and piece of heaven” on the 168 acres that define




Villa San-Juliette. This intensely flavored vintage – that LaZarre affectionately refers to as Blueberry Motor Oil — is 85% Petite Sirah and 15% Cabernet Sauvignon and it was aged for 16 months in a combination of new and neutral French oak.  For the money…around $10 everywhere…it’s literally one of the best varietal wines I’ve had — period!






Carménère (Chile’s Signature Grape)


Alma de Chile   Private Reserve  2008


Deep, Dark and Devilishly Delectable!


(Aconcagua Valley, Chile)/$12-$14


From vineyards nestled amongst the rich and fertile foothills of the Andes Mountains, this 100% Carménère is a meticulously crafted exemplar of Chile’s Signature grape.  With fruit grown on small family vineyards by descendants of the acclaimed Don Francisco de Rojas winemaking family, this delightfully sultry and spicy rendition was produced in partnership with the Vincente family and Viña San Esteban.  With nine months of attended aging in a 50/50 combination of new French and American oak, the result is an award-winning Carménère that will tickle and tantalize the most refined and demanding of palates!  http://www.almadechile.com/newsite/aboutus.html




Shiraz   (The Signature Grape of Australia — known typically as Syrah in most other countries)


hazyblur  Kangaroo Island  2006


Luscious, Succulent & Simply Stupendous!


(Virginia, South Australia)/$30–$35 — Inspired by the sight of a blurry haze, “hazyblur” Shiraz was born, and suddenly — the world was a better place!  As a boutique winery with limited production, owners and founders, Ross and Robyne Trimboli, specialize in crafting artisanal wines that bear their personal attention…from vine to vessel. This spectacular 100% Shiraz — which was aged for 16 months in an 80% used combination of American and French oak — is no exception…and it serves up “sinfully delicious!”  This one’s a keeper that you might not want to share!


Courtesy of Jeff Dicks Real Estate



Search Heritage Wake Forest Homes





Top Daily News for December 30th 2012

Well a Very Happy NEW Year to all my readers, supporters, clients and friends. It’s been a crazy year with travels to the home of the worlds largest oilsands deposits- Ft McMurray, Alberta. My father was inducted into the local Hockey Hall of Fame with the Ft McMurray Oil Barons as founder of the team. A proud son  I am. I can’t leave out the summer excursion with my wife and two terrific kids up to Torch Lake in Northern Michigan. If you haven’t been there add it to your bucket list. Simply a sensational lake and also ranked as one of the top lakes in the world.

Last but not least was the family event of the year to Disney World. Totally worth it. My kids had the time of their life. My son keeps wanting to back to the “Tower of Terror” he just turned 5.

As for us here at Jeff Dicks Real Estate have a fabulous 2012. We look for to helping you Buy or Sell a home here in the Triangle area of North Carolina. Check out the daily headlines for December 30th/2012

TOP NEWS • Spain to fire opening salvos in austerity drive Spain’s centre-right government will announce billions of euros in savings measures, using its first decrees since sweeping to power at November elections to give the nation a foretaste of tougher austerity to come.

• China’s factories falter, pro-growth policies eyed China’s factory activity shrank again December as demand at home and abroad slackened, a purchasing managers’ survey showed, reinforcing the case for pro-growth policies to underpin the world’s second-largest economy. • Colombia sells state-run power firm for $415 million Canadian-owned BCIF Holding Colombia S.A.S. has won a bid to acquire a Colombian state-owned power company for around $415 million, the country’s finance ministry said on Thursday. • HSH Nordbank sues Ally, JPM over mortgage losses German lender HSH Nordbank has sued several banks, including Ally Financial and JPMorgan Chase, over losses on $130.2 million in mortgage bond investments, according to court documents.



Wake Schools Assignment 2012

Wake County Realtors need to pay attention to the new choice-based student assignment plan and how it may affect a homebuyers decision. The new plan goes into effect in 2012 and does away with automatic assignments to a specific school based on home address. Application’s begin Jan 17th/12 and the second round March 19th/12 for new arrivals, those who forget to apply and whom are not happy with their first assignment.  After April 9th/12 walk-in registration will be taken. Those relocating to the Wake County area of North Carolina should go to the Wake County Public School website for further details about the new plan.

If your relocating to Wake County and searching for Raleigh Real estate, or
Wake Forest Homes. Please contact us at Jeff Dicks Real Estate– Keller Williams


Raleigh Mortgage Updates

Two weeks until Christmas!  The end of the year is here and of course there is a
lot of talk of what the new year brings.  Here is a quick update of some of the
changes that could come about:

1) Once again the talk about increasing fees for FHA back loans.  If you
remember FHA is require to hold a certain amount in reserves and for the last
few years they have been well short of that amount.  Even though the recent
increase in fees has helped replenish the reserve fund, the forecast for more
defaults and costs has FHA saying they might have to raise the fees again.  The
rumors are that people with lower credit scores will be getting hit with most of
the increase. Borrowers know this could be on the way!! So make a move
now before costs increase even more.

2) After numerous attempts to lower the VA upfront fee, it now has been
restored to their original amounts until 2016.  So no decreases for VA
borrowers.  This program still remains one of the best programs available.

3) Is Fannie and Freddie on their way out?  The Mortgage Finance Act of
if passed would create a new FDIC-like guarantee facility and once it
establishes value will be privatized.  This is one of the better plans that has
been introduced because this will allow a QRM (Qualified Residential Mortgage)
to only have 5% down payment.  The current QRM part of the Dodd/Frank Bill calls
for a 20% down payment for a QRM which will obviously hurt a already fragile
housing market if Freddie and Fannie are eliminated.  There is a lot involved in
order to eliminate Freddie and Fannies so we will see how all this plays

4) Finally the major market mover…how will EU leaders handle their
financial mess and what affect will it have on the rest of the world.

Have a great week!

Chris Blount

Courtesy of Jeff Dicks Real Estate Keller Williams Realty

Search Raleigh Real Estate or Heritage Wake Forest Homes



Wake Forest Approves Smoking Ban

The Wake Forest Board of Commissioners has approved a smoking ban in all Town parks and greenways, except in specifically designated areas.

The board adopted the ordinance last month during it sregular monthly meeting, joining a growing number of communities that have forbidden smoking in public parks. The smoking ban is designed to help reduce curb exposure to secondhand smoke and reduce litter.

The ban takes place immediately and includes a possible $50 fine. Signage will be posted throughout the Town’s parks and greenways informing visitors of the new ordinance.

Enforcement will take the form of requesting voluntary compliance. However, if a smoker does not extinguish a smoking product, park staff will remind them of the new policy and could request exiting the property if they choose to continue smoking. For more information about the smoking ban, contact Parks and Recreation Director Ruben Wall at 919-435-9561.

Courtesy of Jeff Dicks Real Estate

Wake Forest Homes For Sale

Heritage Wake Forest Homes


Ricks Grape Skinny Heritage Wake Forest NC- December 2011

Rick’s Grape Skinny

December 2011

“Wine … offers a greater range for enjoyment and
appreciation than possibly any other purely sensory thing which may be

A Case for Christmas!

For those of you who might have been
thinking I was about to end the year with a big “poligious” (political-religious)
sermon on all matters Christmas – I hope you won’t be too disappointed.  Indeed, as much as I do believe in “all
things Christmas”…to include Christmas trees…the “case for Christmas” I’m writing
about this month…is the case of wine I’d like to have Santa deliver to me for
Christmas this year!! (Hey…there’s nothing wrong with a little fanciful dreaming
every now and again…eh!?)


let’s start packing our Christmas Case…and with any vintage you might find of
these exquisite Cabernet Sauvignon and Bordeaux-style gems!


  1. 1.
    Joseph Phelps Insignia



– $250


  1. 2.
    Cakebread Cellars Benchland



$100 – $120


  1. 3.
    Caymus Special Selection  





  1. 4.
    Beaulieu Vineyards (BV)

de Latour Private Reserve



$100 – $120


  1. 5.
    Silver Oak Napa



$90 – $110

  1. 6.
    Far Niente


$125 – $140

  1. 7.
    Lail J. Daniel



$110 – $125






  1. 8.
    Rubicon Estate Rubicon



$160 – $200


  1. 9.
    Heitz Cellar Martha’s


$125 – 150


  1. 10.  Ridge Monte Bello



$125 – $140


  1. 11.  Chateau
    Montelena Estate Cabernet


$120 – $140


  1. 12.  Opus One


$200 – $225


Toast of the Month


“We can only be said
to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”


   Here’s to those moments…and may there
always be many…and then…many, many more

But…if I Can Only Have One…

Here’s a “Hint!”  

Joseph Phelps Insignia

Intense, Voluptuous, Opulent, and “Perfect!”

(Napa Valley – St. Helena, CA)/$200-$250 

Hardly ever

does one see a 100 point wine…but the incredible Joseph Phelps’ team of Philippe
Pessereau, Director of Vineyard Operations, Damian Parker, Director of
Winemaking, and Ashley Hepworth, Winemaker, have indeed combined their
extraordinary talents to produce “the
perfect wine!”
Comprised of the very best grapes from Phelps’ Estate
vineyards in 6 of Napa Valley’s most respected viticultural districts, this
spectacular Bordeaux-style blend of 88% Cab, 8% Merlot and 4% Petit Verdot was
aged in 100% new French oak for 24 months.  Perfecto Mundo!

http://www.jpvwines.com/discussing-the-2007-insignia-release/  (Watch the JP Team discuss the 2007 Vintage!)


OK, OK…so at somewhere between $1500 on the low side and
$1850 on the high side…I must really be smokin’ Loco Weed if I’m seriously
suggesting this incredible portfolio of wines for a Christmas present.  Relax…it’s like Fantasy Football…except you
pick wines versus thugs!  How about one a month…or one for Christmas,
Anniversary and Birthday!!?   Good Luck!!


Happy Holidays Everyone!!

Rick Davis

Courtesy of Jeff Dicks Real Estate


Canada Safe from U.S Visa Proposal

“Even if it did win legislative approval – something that I don’t think will happen – I think it would have a negligible effect on the Canadian market in terms of attracting Chinese and other Asian property investors attracted to Vancouver and other Canadian markets,” Douglas Gray, author of The Canadian Snowbird Guide: Everything You Need to Know about Living Part-Time in the USA and Mexico.  “They are coming here instead of the U.S. for social and cultural reasons, and that won’t change.”



If a bi-partisan team of U.S. senators has its way, the American economy will see a significant increase in property investment coming from outside its recession-wary borders.


Last month, Senators Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., and Mike Lee, R-Utah, unveiled proposed changes to the country’s VISIT-USA Act, among them a measure to provide renewable three-year resident visas to foreign nationals who invest a minimum of $500,000 in residential real estate anywhere in the U.S.


That residency offer would extend to spouses and dependent children and is geared toward regenerating a housing market that has yet to recover from the 2007/8 housing collapse.


A host of conditions apply: of that half a million dollars in property, at least $250,000 must go toward a primary residence, although dwellings purchased for non-residential use can be rented out; the visa holder must also live in the primary residence for at least 180 days a year and pay U.S. income taxes on foreign earnings; all purchases must be made in cash; and all applicants would be subject to background checks.


That being said, Canadian snowbirds meeting the criteria would see their current six-month cap on stays in the U.S. removed. Proponents in Seattle – now struggling to grow its share of the Chinese investment now going to Vancouver – have also suggested the legislative changes would strengthen the city’s appeal.


That kind of diversion just isn’t going to happen, said Gray, among other successful property investors based in B.C. convinced Vancouver Asian-friendly approach and large community will keep it as the primary real estate market for Chinese investors.


Gray, also a lawyer and author of several other investment books, is just as convinced potential tax implications and the possibility of losing access to Canadian health care will also keep most snowbirds from relocating to the U.S.

“That isn’t going to happen,” he told CRE.

-Vernon Clement Jones

Courtesy Jeff Dicks Real Estate


Thanksgiving Cometh to Heritage of Wake Forest

Very rarely do I have something at the tip of my tongue not be thankful for. The years continue to roll along and my kids continue to get taller as I shrink. I’m often reminded by my lovely wife Christine that we are very fortunate and as I like to say life gives you lemons if you continue to complain of life’s challenges.

I came across a snippet of Jon Gordon’s work today that I couldn’t help but share.

They are two words that have the power to transform our health, happiness, athletic performance and success. Research shows that grateful people are happier and more likely to maintain good friendships. A state of gratitude, according to research by the Institute of HeartMath, also improves the heart’s rhythmic functioning, which helps us to reduce stress, think more clearly under pressure and heal physically. It’s actually physiologically impossible to be stressed and thankful at the same time. When you are grateful you flood your body and brain with emotions and endorphins that uplift and energize you rather than the stress hormones that drain you.

Gratitude and appreciation are also essential for a healthy work environment. In fact, the number one reason why people leave their jobs is because they don’t feel appreciated. A simple thank you and a show of appreciation can make all the difference.

Gratitude is like muscle. The more we do with it the stronger it gets- Jon Gordon

Take note and you may just survive the holidays…….and beyond


Jeff Dicks

Jeff Dicks Real Estate



NAR Launches International Website

But while Canadian investors can get a glimpse of a wide variety of properties in the U.S., Europe and Brazil with the newly launched website, Canadian properties are not included.

The NAR said nearly 2.6 million international visitors searched for U.S. real estate alone on Realtor.com, with Canadians leading the list, followed by visitors from the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and India. The international site, www.Realtor.com/International, launched last week.

The site will not only allow Realtors to offer their expertise and knowledge to a broader knowledge, but also bring buyers and sellers together on a more global scale, said NAR President Ron Phipps.

“Foreign buyers understand the value of owning a home in the U.S. and can rely on a Realtor because of their global perspective and understanding of different cultures and real estate practices,” he said. “This collaboration with Move.com is just one of many ways Realtors can expand and grow their business globally.”

With Canadians leading the surge in U.S. purchases by foreign buyers, much of the sales focus has been on warmer, coastal states recently. The NAR said Arizona, California, Florida and Texas accounted for 58% of all U.S. residential transactions completed by international buyers.

Visitors to the NAR site can search properties for 11 countries in 11 languages. Along with the U.S. and Brazil, the site offers listings for France, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Serbia. Listings range from the multi-million price range to some homes for well under $10,000. A simple search variation allows prices to be listed in Canadian dollars.

Rentals are also offered on the site.

Canadian Real Estate- Editorial Team

Courtesy of Jeff Dicks Real Estate   View Triangle area Investment Properties