Top Daily News for December 30th 2012

Well a Very Happy NEW Year to all my readers, supporters, clients and friends. It’s been a crazy year with travels to the home of the worlds largest oilsands deposits- Ft McMurray, Alberta. My father was inducted into the local Hockey Hall of Fame with the Ft McMurray Oil Barons as founder of the team. A proud son  I am. I can’t leave out the summer excursion with my wife and two terrific kids up to Torch Lake in Northern Michigan. If you haven’t been there add it to your bucket list. Simply a sensational lake and also ranked as one of the top lakes in the world.

Last but not least was the family event of the year to Disney World. Totally worth it. My kids had the time of their life. My son keeps wanting to back to the “Tower of Terror” he just turned 5.

As for us here at Jeff Dicks Real Estate have a fabulous 2012. We look for to helping you Buy or Sell a home here in the Triangle area of North Carolina. Check out the daily headlines for December 30th/2012

TOP NEWS • Spain to fire opening salvos in austerity drive Spain’s centre-right government will announce billions of euros in savings measures, using its first decrees since sweeping to power at November elections to give the nation a foretaste of tougher austerity to come.

• China’s factories falter, pro-growth policies eyed China’s factory activity shrank again December as demand at home and abroad slackened, a purchasing managers’ survey showed, reinforcing the case for pro-growth policies to underpin the world’s second-largest economy. • Colombia sells state-run power firm for $415 million Canadian-owned BCIF Holding Colombia S.A.S. has won a bid to acquire a Colombian state-owned power company for around $415 million, the country’s finance ministry said on Thursday. • HSH Nordbank sues Ally, JPM over mortgage losses German lender HSH Nordbank has sued several banks, including Ally Financial and JPMorgan Chase, over losses on $130.2 million in mortgage bond investments, according to court documents.


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